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Concert Etiquette - Do You Have It?

Writer: Heavy Metal Hippie AshHeavy Metal Hippie Ash

Today let’s talk about Concert Etiquette ! There have been a ton of massive tours announced for next year already which is so exciting and I’ve been to a couple shows just the past could weeks so I thought this would be a perfect time to discuss it.

I seriously want all of your feedback on this too because it’s definitely becoming a hot topic for me lately for a number of reasons. I’d have to say that people are generally wonderful at concerts and I definitely go to a LOT of shows which gives me the opportunity to do a lot of people watching. But there are some behaviours that just blow my mind.

In any situation, I think we should always be thoughtful about the people around us while making sure we’re having a good time too. That’s the biggest issue I seem to have lately!

I think the first time I can pinpoint REALLY noticing people’s behaviour was at Alanis Morissette back in 2022… I was around eight when the album was released, it’s still to this day one of my favourite albums of all time. So I had been waiting a LONG time to see Alanis and this was finally my chance. I sprung for a front row seat and I was delighted that I’d finally be there. It was quite an intense show at times and sadly… there were about 6 people in a row next to me - completely disinterested in the show, but interested in talking about work and going to get more bottles of wine from the bar. So Alanis would be there singing something quite tense like “Uninvited” and they’d be talking over her about the latest office gossip, spilling on each other.. facing away. And I get it. Some people do just go for the bragging rights “I was there” But … what about the people that are there because they’re a massive fan?

I’ve noticed it more and more as I go out.. and perhaps I’m just being cynical. But there’s so many times I notice people just talking about work… or instead of discreetly talking to a friend, they just yell so everybody knows their innermost thoughts. I definitely talk a bit at shows, and I think it’s great that you’re sharing that moment with your friends/partner etc. But maybe we shouldn’t share it with the rest of the venue.

What about pushing/ dancing etc? I’m again, all for moving up to the front, but you can do it in a polite kind of way, most people will just let you up there, or I otherwise see (usually the girls) elbowing people to move up. I’m short too. I’m just over 5 ft.. So. I certainly relate to wanting to be able to see when you’re on the floor… but dang! Just be nice about it. Dancing - again is wicked awesome. We should all be dancing and enjoying ourselves at every opportunity - but there are times that waving your arms around - hitting people because of your dancing or demanding a clear dancing place on a packed floor just ain’t cool. I think we can all agree with that too. The amount of times someone in front/beside/behind me has hit me, is kind of astounding. Elbowed in the head - again, without apology, without moving the dance moves so I now have to move or dodge the flailing arms…. We can still dance respectfully of our fellow concert goers! This also applies to rocking back and forth - it makes me giggle more than anything.. but side to side swaying, the person behind you misses half the show… so try bouncing, swivelling your hips, rocking back and forth etc. I should clarify - I’m fine being tossed around in a mosh pit.. I’m talking about your sort of average show where people are just watching. I will say - I once saw Blink 182 at a festival, and I got pushed into a guy, and he turned around and punched me in the stomach. It was brutal. The pushing - No prob… but the punch? Totally uncalled for.

Ohhh and my last point today is - photos. I actually have no issues with taking photos at concerts! It’s fabulous. Take your photos and take your videos. I know I do! The thing I do take issue with though is mostly how people take photos.. two hands in the air, holding your phone like a newborn baby to the stage. Worse if it has one of those fold open cases that block so much for the people around. Again - it’s not so bad except when they’re filming the whole show. And it does happen more than I’d like to admit. Putting cameras in an artists face is pretty rude too I think… too many people take away from the show to just film and take photos… I can understand why some artists have decided to make no phone policies at some shows. So just think about how you’d feel with a fold out screen - or blocking above your sight line. My little secret is that you can get some pretty cool photos just at your face height. You don’t usually need to put your phone above the crowd!

All in all - Concerts are my happy place as I know they are for so many of you and I just want everyone to vibe and have fun. I’m curious to your thoughts on this though. Do you find some people have very little consideration for others? I’d say 95% of people are fabulous at concerts. And especially in the UK, people are generally amazing and so kind and considerate of the people around. I think this can also vary by the genre of music and so many other factors!

Nik Kershaw Tour
Recent Nik Kershaw Concert at Shepherds Bush Empire (To note - most of the fans were pretty awesome as always! and the band was absolutely KILLER! Such a good show!)

But maybe as a whole community of music lovers - we can come together to make sure we all have fun and enjoy our time there without hurting someone or taking something away from the evening for them. Hit reply and let me know your thoughts! In the meantime, go have a blast at your next show! What have you got lined up!?


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